Community-Based Water Supply

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Community-Based Water Supply

  PreviousNext Welcome To CBWS ENTERPRISES  CBWS ENTERPRISES CBWS enterprises is a fully registered business which started as a family business operating in 2010. What started as a family man operating a truck with set of poly tanks has grown to be a leading player in the water supply industry. With over 11 years of experience, CBWS is now operational with many water tankers including 5,500ltrs, 7,500ltrs, 10,000ltrs, 15,000ltrs, 17000ltrs and 18,500ltrs. Our services include: 1. Supply of clean pipe water 2. Water supply for Road construction 3. Swimming pool filing 4. Underground storage pointing 5. Watering of large gardens 6. Fish pond filing We supply to Schools, churches, organisation, corporations, families, firms, businesses, contractors and many more. We are available for short term contracts and long term contracts. We are the best in our field, and it's all thanks to the incredible relationships we've formed with our clients. Unlike our competitors, we invest in developing a personal connection with each and every one of our customers, by providing quality service and being available to them 24/7. Get in touch with us when you are ready to learn more; we can't wait to meet you


Tanker Rentals

Tanker Rentals

We have Tanker available for rent for all your road construction needs and other purposes  Our tankers have great strength and durable and our drivers are very experienced

Welcome to Community-Based Water Supply

Welcome to Community-Based Water Supply

This is Community-Based Water Supply website created by Community-Based Water Supply. Community-Based Water Supply falls in LOCAL BUSINESS line of business. You can visit us offline at our office located at : Post Office Box 391 Beach Road, Labadi Accra, Accra, Accra, Ghana - 187 You can contact us by phone - or email us on c*************************@g*****.com or use the Co...


Transportation Services default image
  GHS 600.00 - 11000.00 /Kilogram
Clean pipe water supply default image
  GHS 300.00 - 700.00 /Acre
Swimming Pool Filling default image
  GHS 600.00 - 1500.00 /Feet

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